Merry Christmas


We wish all of you a Very Merry Christmas! Ours will be White and Cold! The animals are fluffy, there’s plenty of hay, and the snow is already making next…

2022 Lee Smith Clinic


Join us for a clinic like no other, with Lee Smith – June 23-26th here at the ranch! We’ll start some colts and learn to create a better partnership with our horses!

To my father, the newest Administrator of the Farm Service Agency


To my Father, the Newest Administrator of the Farm Service Agency: A Letter from the IAC and the DX Ranch’s Kelsey Ducheneaux-Scott “Right there, keep holding the reins that tight.…

Come Ride With Us!


We are so excited to offer our horsemanship workshop for a second year. And of course you’re still free to book a vacation with us whenever you’d like! Come ride…

Siouxperman: the Second Date


What do we have going in this one? First of all, you’ll notice that some parts are sped up. We are not, not speeding up the process, just the video…

Siouxperman: The First Date


Occasionally we will be sharing the observations and thoughts from our intern, Yahel. She’s from Israel and is spending the Winter with us.  We’re really glad to have her. Her…

Art of the Cowgirl


Today as you read this, we will be headed South, to Art of the Cowgirl in Phoenix. We’re taking a home-raised filly — one we’re pretty dang proud of. In…


“Adjust to fit the situation” “If you stay in the well worn rut, you’re going to go exactly where everyone else went before.” The first quote comes from a fellow…

Borrowing Freedom Through Empathy

  I’d read those words many, many years ago but as I sit to gather my thoughts about Empathy it echoes in the back of my mind.  What gives us…

Getting a Colt Comfortable (In Uncomfortable Situations)


I’ve got to ride quite a few colts this past Summer. In my string I have two 3 year olds, and a 4 year old. The four year old mare…