To my father, the newest Administrator of the Farm Service Agency


To my Father, the Newest Administrator of the Farm Service Agency: A Letter from the IAC and the DX Ranch’s Kelsey Ducheneaux-Scott “Right there, keep holding the reins that tight.…

Tuning Your Horse Into You


Tuning your horse into you isn’t as hard as it sounds. It’s important to have a plan when you’re handling your horse. If we don’t make the plan, they’ll make…

Art of the Cowgirl


Today as you read this, we will be headed South, to Art of the Cowgirl in Phoenix. We’re taking a home-raised filly — one we’re pretty dang proud of. In…

Getting a Colt Comfortable (In Uncomfortable Situations)


I’ve got to ride quite a few colts this past Summer. In my string I have two 3 year olds, and a 4 year old. The four year old mare…

Get Your Horse Ready to Bridle


Have you ever known someone with a horse that would consistently frustrate them with something they were asking, but someone more experienced might come along and get there with almost…